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Mastering HTML5 and CSS3 Made Easy- Digital Edition (Free Trial)

Original price was: $50.00.Current price is: $25.00. for 1 month

Course Title: Mastering HTML and CSS Made Easy
Product Type: Online Access
Versions Covered: HTML5 & CSS3
Hours of Content: 3.5
Video Lessons: 125
Manual: 190 Pages


Our complete HTML & CSS training course delivered via online access. Includes:

  • Video Lessons
  • Printable Instruction Manuals
  • Practice Exam
  • Final Exam
  • Certificate of Completion

 Topics Covered:

Getting Acquainted with HTML
1. Introduction to the Internet
2. Introduction to HTML Terminology
3. Options for Writing HTML
4. Unicode Transformation Format (UTF)
5. HTML5 Resources

New for HTML5
1. What’s different in HTML5?

Designing a Webpage
1. Design Considerations and Planning
2. Basic Tags and Document Structure
3. HTML Tags
4. Head Tags
5. Title Tags
6. Body Tags
7. Metadata
8. Saving an HTML Page

Page Formatting
1. Adding a New Paragraph
2. Adding a Line Break
3. Inserting Blank Space
4. Preformatted Text
5. Changing a Pages’s Background Color
6. Div Element

Text Items and Objects
1. Headings
3. Block Quotes
4. Horizontal Lines
5. Special Characters

Creating Lists
1. Numbered (Ordered) Lists
2. Bulleted (Unordered) Lists
3. Nested Lists
4. Definition Lists

1. What are Links?
2. Text Links
3. Image Links
4. Opening a Page in a New Window or Tab
5. Setting All Links on a Page to Open in a New Window or Tab
6. Linking to an Area on the Same Page (Bookmarks)
7. Linking to an E-mail Address
8. Linking to Other Types of Files

1. Introduction to Images for Webpages
2. Adding Images to Webpages
3. Re-Sizing an Image
4. Alternative (ALT) Text
5. Image Labels

Basic Tables
1. Inserting a Table
2. Table Borders
3. Table Headers

1. What is an Iframe?
2. Inserting Iframes
3. Setting Height and Width
4. Using an Iframe for a Link Target

1. About Forms
2. Sending to E-mail
3. Text Boxes
4. Text Areas
5. Check Boxes
6. Menu Lists
7. Radio Buttons
8. Submit Button
9. Reset Button
10. Changing the Tab Order

Video and Audio
1. About Video and Audio Files
2. Linking to Video and Audio Files
3. Adding Video
4. Adding Audio
5. Using YouTube to Display Video

1. Troubleshooting

Cascading Style Sheets
1. What are Cascading Style Sheets?
2. CSS Syntax
3. Creating an Internal CSS
4. Linking to a CSS
5. Adding Comments and Notes to a CSS
6. Creating an Internal Style Sheet
7. ID and Class
8. Inline Styling

Working With Text in CSS
1. Emphasizing Text (Bold and Italic)
2. Decoration
3. Indentation
4. Transformation
5. Text Alignment
6. Fonts
7. Font Sizes
8. Letter Spacing (Kerning)
9. Line Spacing (Leading)
10. Text Color
11. Margins
12. Padding
13. Borders
14. Styling Links
15. Number and Bullet Styles
16. Sizing Elements
17. Text Wrapping
18. Shadowing

Creating Backgrounds in CSS
1. Colors
2. Images
3. Fixed Images

Images in CSS
1. Opacity
2. Floating Images
3. Image Galleries
4. Image Sprites

Box Model in CSS
1. What is a box model?
2. Margin
3. Padding
4. Border
5. Outline

Working With Elements in CSS
1. Display and Visibility
2. Grouping and Nesting
3. Dimensions and Elements
4. Positioning
5. Floating
6. Pseudo-Classes/Pseudo-Elements

Adding a Navigation Bar in CSS
1. Vertical Navigation Bar
2. Horizontal Navigation Bar – Inline
3. Horizontal Navigation Bar – Floating

CSS Tables
1. Borders
2. Collapsed Borders
3. Table Width and Cell Height
4. Table Color
5. Table Text Alignment
6. Table Padding

Working With Transforms in CSS
1. What are transforms?
2. 2D Transforms
3. 3D Transforms

Transitions and Animations in CSS
1. Transitions
2. Animations

CSS Shorthand
1. Shorthand Properties

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